Quotes from children and schools that we have worked with…..
“It has been a pleasure to have Coach Lindsay join us each week for a session of Mindfulness. The children were fully engaged throughout and responded enthusiastically to each activity. The sessions have had a wonderful impact on the children’s well-being and lots of the children have expressed how they use the methods and techniques taught be Coach Lindsay not only in school but at home too. Furthermore, one of the the great things I have observed is the level of maturity the children have and respect they show for their classmates when discussing complex and personal emotions or experiences. Thank you Coach Lindsay for having such a positive impact on our children’s lives!
Every word is very much true and the children adore you so thank you for everything you have done this year. Have a wonderful summer!”
, Woodlea Junior School
” We invited Coach Lindsay into our school for part of our Culture Week. The children really enjoyed their session with her and in particular enjoyed the Tibetan Singing Bowl and listening to the sound it made. Coach Lindsay brought a different approach to what the children are used to and the level of the session was well executed for the children to understand, especially using the characters that explained the parts of the brain that are used when they are feeling sad, anxious, angry…..We would recommend Coach Lindsay to other schools in the future. She is very child led and had a great rapport with all the students.” Todmorden Primary School
“Coach Lindsay has made a huge difference to the lives of some of our children. She provides a sancutuary for them for around 1 1/2 hours every session. The children have learnt how to experience mindfulness and they have used these tools when needed at both school and at home.
Thank you so much!”, St Stephen’s Primary School
“I was a bit worried before I met Coach Lindsay and I didn’t really know what Mindfulness was all about.
We met in the park and she bought me a hot chocolate. Coach Lindsay had a cup of tea and I now know that she drinks A LOT of tea.
The best bit was that she agreed to come to my house to see me. I have been used to seeing people at the hospital or at school so it felt nice to be in my own house and feel comfortable.
In our sessions she explains how my brain works and it kind of made lots of sense to me and helped me to work out what my needs were. I did feel a bit stupid and embarrassed when we started doing mindfulness meditations but it soon became something that I was looking forward to the most in our session.”
K, Aged 15
“Working with Coach Lindsay has reaIly helped me with my anger. I always felt really angry at school and I was getting in trouble. The breathing practices that she taught me really help but she also helped me to notice that I was getting angry before started acting on it. I know the signals that my body gives me to know that I need to ground myself before lashing out.”
A, Aged 14
As parents, we could see our daughter really struggling with her emotions. Coach Lindsay worked closely with us, as her parents and with Mia. She explained that their sessions together may uncover some uncomfotable feelings for Mia but that she was in a safe space for that to happen.
Coach Lindsay worked with M for 8 weeks and even now, a few months later I catch M doing the breathing techniques that she learnt with Coach Lindsay if she is in a situation that makes her anxious.
S, mum to M Aged 10
” I liked it when Coach Lindsay came into my school. It was nice and it made me feel nice and calm.” Grace age 10
“Coach Lindsay helped me to calm down in class when I am feeling stressed.” Tom age 10

“Coach Lindsay helped me to relax and to forget about something that happened at lunch time.” Sophie age 8
“My favourite part of the session with Coach Lindsay was when she introduced us to the Tibetan Singing Bowl and we got to listen to it and use our breath to help stay still” Josh age 10
“Coach Lindsay helped me to understand how my brain works when I’m feeling anxious by telling us about about Amy, Tex and the Liberian.” Ella age 11
“After Coach Lindsay came into our school I remembered to listen to my breath when I was feeling angry and it helped me to calm down” Tom age 11
“I find it really helpful to focus on my breathing now Coach Lindsay has taught me how to. This really helps me at home if my little brother is being annoying.” Bailey age 10
“When I got mad I did some of the breathing exercises that Coach Lindsay taught us and it made me feel calmer” Emma age 9
“Coach Lindsay did not rush me and the techniques are useful” Olivia age 11
“Mindfulness helps me to feel relaxed now” Alice age 10

“Coach Lindsay makes Mindfulness fun” Ben age 9
“After Coach Lindsay came into school I decided to wake up 15 minutes before I usually do to focus on my breathing and be present” Willow age 11
“Mindfulness helps me to be calm in school and at home” Ivy age 11
“It was amazing and I learnt new skills to help me when I am mad at my brother” Oscar age 10
“Coach Lindsay helps me to relax” Jackson age 10
“When I’m lying on my bed with my eyes closed I think about what is in my mind. It helps me to understand how I am feeling” Millie age 11
“Mindfulness is really good to help you calm down, relax and focus” Heidi age 10
“Coach Lindsay did activities that helped calm me down and cleared my mind” Mia age 10
“I enjoyed all Coach Lindsay’s activities, everyone could get involved.” Charlie age 11
“Some of the things that Coach Lindsay showed us made me giggle but she didn’t shout at me for it.” Alfie age 11
“I loved hitting the singing bowl and listening to the sound it made” Erin age 11

“Coach Lindsay helps me to let go of my worries” Amy age 11