My Ethos

The driving factor for all my work is to make a contribution to the happiness and well-being of our next generation.

Prevention is something that is at the forefront of most of my work. I want to help children to realise that they can search inside of themselves, not only to unlock their world of imagination, but to find a kindness, respect, and understanding of themselves and the world around them. I believe that a daily practice of Mindfulness will lead kids to become strong, emotionally, socially and intellectually.

I introduce them to the tools that they can carry with them well into their adult lives and I am here to encourage and nurture children, developing their self awareness, inner harmony and THE most important lesson of them all……. SELF LOVE. A priceless gift for the rest of their lives. During time spent with me I show them how to access that place of calm within themselves. It is already in there, they just don’t know how to access it, I’m just giving them the key to unlock it all.

I aim to introduce children to their own inner happiness. I show them to ways of them connecting to that peaceful centre inside them which is nourished by stillness and reflective practice. I invite them to learn how to self sooth, build inner power and strength and manage the daily stress of life. I want to empower them to manage any problem, issue or emotion that comes their way and help them to understand the incredible powers they already hold inside of them.

Taking time to be still and reflective gifts us the insight to think about the important values that guide our behaviour and how we react to situations that life throws at us, the good, the bad and the ugly.